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【MKS sports】Tidal surge

Source:mk time:2025-03-07 10:45:03

The<strong><a href=MKS sports ferry port of Dagebull in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, is flooded during a storm surge on the North Sea coast on January 7, 2024. Stormy weather and high winds have caused disruption on the railway network in northern and western Germany this week, according to media reports. Photo: VCG" src="https://www.globaltimes.cn/Portals/0/attachment/2025/2025-01-07/5b714123-1d8f-4d23-8864-c72c8dab6733.jpeg" />

The ferry port of Dagebull in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, is flooded during a storm surge on the North Sea coast on January 7, 2024. Stormy weather and high winds have caused disruption on the railway network in northern and western Germany this week, according to media reports. Photo: VCG