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【mk】Boosting consumption

Source:MKS sports time:2025-02-24 19:31:35

Customers check out new-energy vehicles at a large shopping mall in Jinhua,<strong><a href=mk East China's Zhejiang Province on February 23, 2025. According to data from the National Development and Reform Commission, China issued 150 billion yuan ($20.7billion) in ultra-long-term special government bonds in 2024 to support trade-in programs for consumer goods, boosting sales of more than 1.3 trillion yuan. Photo: VCG" src="https://www.globaltimes.cn/Portals/0/attachment/2025/2025-02-23/4484386d-d46a-4d71-a171-b6e81dfea434.jpeg" />

Customers check out new-energy vehicles at a large shopping mall in Jinhua, East China's Zhejiang Province on February 23, 2025. According to data from the National Development and Reform Commission, China issued 150 billion yuan ($20.7billion) in ultra-long-term special government bonds in 2024 to support trade-in programs for consumer goods, boosting sales of more than 1.3 trillion yuan. Photo: VCG